Thomas Ruskin, President
Thomas Ruskin has been the President of the CMP Protective and Investigative Group, Inc. for the past two decades.
Mr. Ruskin serves as the President of the Associated Licensed Detectives of New York State (ALDONYS). For over 50 years, ALDONYS has been New York State's largest organization in representing all licensed private investigators and security service professionals.
Mr. Ruskin is recognized as an international investigative, security and crisis management expert by news organizations such as NBC, ABC, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News Channel, Sky News, and 1010 WINS News. He makes frequent appearances on various TV and radio shows.
Thomas Ruskin is a highly decorated former New York City Police Detective Investigator. He was responsible for Crisis Management for the Mayor, Police Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners of Operations and Crime Control Strategies for New York City. He has been involved in cases that have received worldwide attention, including the 1993 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the NYC subway system bombing, airline crashes, police shootings, hostage situations and major organized crime and narcotic cases.
Through the course of two decades, the majority of Mr. Ruskin's time served in law enforcement has been spent in the field of investigation. He began his career with the Department of Investigations Inspector General offices of the Department of Environmental Protection and Fire Department, and rose to the position of Senior Investigator. In the NYPD Mr. Ruskin was assigned to the Burglary Latent Print Unit, Anti-Crime Squad, and the Organized Control Bureau-Narcotics Division's Special Projects Unit. He was responsible for cases that lead to arrests of individuals who committed Federal and State crimes and for a 3 million dollar federally subsidized undercover program.
Mr. Ruskin's background includes responsibility for the protection of President Bill Clinton, Vice-President Al Gore, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Tipper Gore, 1998 Presidential candidate Senator Robert Dole and other national and international dignitaries and Heads of State. Mr. Ruskin has received specialized training from the NYPD Intelligence Division and the United States Secret Service in Dignitary Protection.


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